Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Because of His Great Love ~

"He who does not love does not know God ... for God is love." 1 John 4:8

For people to be absolutely honest in expressing their needs ... all would have to say they seek love and long for the fulfillment it promises to bring them. Love comes in various forms. We find love in sincere friendships and of course ... in our family relationships. We want those around us to love and accept us. We want to share the love inside of us with others. We yearn to interact with another living being in a love relationship ... whether family or a close friend and to embrace the fulfillment of that interaction. Still ... though we may feel love within ourselves ... that love cannot be fully realized and enjoyed unless it is shared with another.

Sharing love brings a feeling of completeness into our lives. It also brings joy, excitement and adventure. Sharing love brings purpose to our days and to our existence. We care for those we love, and they care for us. If we truly had no one in our lives that we loved or that loved us, we would have little reason to exist.

Indeed, we put a great deal of energy and work into our families and close friends. Why? Because of His Great Love!

1 comment:

  1. Well said. The older I get the more I understand that true love does not have conditions attached. As example: I do not stop loving someone because they no longer act like they love me. I do not stop loving them because they hurt my feelings, make me mad, etc. This is the type of love God has for us. He loves us whether we love Him or pay no attention to Him.
